La Isla

Bellini Theatre – Below the stage – Naples

10 january 2018

An exhibition dedicated to the memoir of Maestro Gigi (Luigi Secli), a sculptor who concentrated most of his production on the Spanish island of Ibiza. The creative alchemy of the Master has managed to confer existential dynamism to waste, liberating it from the historic condition of abandonment. Various types of abandoned devices are taken from oblivion and, thus take on a new identity, allowing the visitor to find himself, almost by magic, in an amazing state of seduction. Each artwork, almost a borderline creature, praising recuperation, in declared opposition to the cult of waste, consumerism, chaotic and absent-minded daily life of our liquid society.

The exhibition was accompanied by the live dj set by Antonio Abbatepaolo and enhanced by the “Mitos Submarinos” project, curated by Marco Ferraris: it expands from photography to video art and shows a way of relating to nature that has been lost in our civilization: by showing the bodies in their nakedness, human beings are stripped of the veils of modern society; acceptance of the body reconnects man to his original state and freedom wins over the fear that dominates our time.